
The Suits of the Tarot


What does it mean when your Tarot spread is dominated by cards from one suit? Is it significant if a spread is covered in Cup cards? Is it more potent if there’s a profusion of Pentacles? Should you be scared if Swords are being swished around from every single spot in the spread? How do you interpret a reading that has Wands waving wildly everywhere?

If you are doing a general Tarot reading with no particular question in mind, when one suit covers the spread it gives you a clear indication for the area of life that is going to take up most of your time and attention in the near future.

The Major Arcana are usually regarded as the most significant cards in the deck, because they delve into your psychological needs and the karmic influences upon your life. However, the Minor Arcana cards detail your everyday life and your relationship with others. These are the cards that indicate your thoughts and fears, your energy and passion, your emotional connections with others, and your financial situation. When one of the suits of the Minor Arcana shows up strongly in a spread, it reveals that just one area of life is going to be grabbing your attention and dominating your thoughts and energy in the coming period.

Cups: If a reading shows many Cup cards, the future is likely to revolve around relationships, partnerships and the realm of the emotions. The extremes of our feelings are characterised within these cards. Other possibilities suggested by this suit include: the psyche, fertility, imagination, intuition, dreams, sensitivity, and spiritual serenity. All of these characteristics may affect your life during the time-frame indicated in the spread.

Pentacles: In the suit of Pentacles the main focus is money, assets, security, the home, and business matters — and this is not too surprising as this suit used to be called ‘Coins’. The emphasis of this suit is upon the material things you value in life. The suit of Pentacles advises you to nourish your body and look after your physical surroundings…in this way you can have inner and outer strength, and provide a balance between idealism and your practical, everyday needs.

Swords: A spread which has a lot of Swords is all about your attitudes and beliefs. It asks you to think about how you respond to mental challenges and it questions your ability to communicate effectively with others. The suit of Swords reminds you to pay attention to your thoughts and it advises you to maintain a clear and centred mind.

Wands: The suit of Wands represents the fire element and its qualities of energetic enthusiasm, creativity, and inspiration. In general, the Wands cards exude optimism, valour, and confidence. In a spread that is filled with cards from the suit of Wands, make sure you have time for activities that stimulate you and keep you on the go, otherwise you are likely to feel restless and bored.

A Tarot reading filled with cards from one suit tells you which area of life is going to be at the forefront of your consciousness in the near future. Knowing this means you can be more prepared to meet the opportunities ahead. It gives you a sense of awareness about the direction your life is about to take — and you can welcome this situation with a knowing smile.


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