
The Spiritual Lesson from the Suit of Cups


When you think of spirituality, one of the main qualities that’s sure to come to mind is love. And since love is the essence of the suit of Cups, could this suit be the most spiritual of all?

Love and romance flows when Cups dominate a spread. But you must be willing to be in touch with your feelings and to discover your strengths and weaknesses as a result.

In the Tao Te Ching we learn, “Nothing under heaven is softer or more yielding than water; but when it attacks things hard and resistant, there is not one of them that can prevail.” Over time, water can erode the hardest of rocks. In a similar way, if you fail to acknowledge your feelings about situations threatening to overwhelm you, your health and sanity may be eroded.

Learn to be like the stillness of the deepest part of the ocean, even when the waves on the surface curl and crash against each other. The spiritual lesson from these cards is to feel the reality of any romantic situation. It’s wise to be fully aware of your emotions so you are not overpowered by them.

In a Tarot reading, this suit offers greater awareness about emotional circumstances, and the need for their expression. On a spiritual level, the suit of Cups is about being aware of the emotional impact of all situations. In other words, make sure you already have plenty of love for yourself, before seeking it from others.




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