
The Soul Activation Spread for Spiritual Growth


I’ve been studying the Tarot since 1985 and with each passing year my interest in Tarot deepens, but I seem to be moving further away from doing readings about the future, and I am more inclined to explore the spiritual side of Tarot.

A study of Tarot can easily lead a person to higher levels of spiritual development. If you look closely at the images on your Tarot cards, you will find that the universal principles of spirituality are reflected through the suits and the main cards. The trump cards, called The Major Arcana, show the virtues and sacred qualities which must be embraced during a journey towards enlightenment. Like life itself, this journey is full of tests and trials, but there are also many blissful moments, represented by cards such as The Star and The Sun. The pip cards of the Tarot, known as the Minor Arcana, express opportunities for spiritual growth through the energies of each suit and its Court cards.

Meditation upon the cards is the usual way to connect with their higher energies, but another way to enhance your spiritual growth is through a layout I created: The Soul Activation Spread. In this layout you are encouraged to choose a spiritual quality you wish to manifest in your life. You then draw cards to tell you more about your spiritual past, and your present situation. The final card you draw from the deck represents the energy you are going to invite into your consciousness in an act of spiritual transformation.

In this spread, use only the cards from the Major Arcana, and guide yourself through the following steps.

1) Consciously and deliberately choose a card that represents what you want to be. This is the spiritual force you would like to manifest in your life — it represents the type of person you wish to become. For example, if you want your spiritual nature to be gentle, yet powerfully persuasive, choose the card called ‘Strength’. If you want to feel the life force of the universe flowing through you, choose ‘Temperance’. When you decide upon a card, place it in position 1 of this spread. This is your ‘soul card’ and it is the focus of the spread.

Step 2) Shuffle the remaining cards without looking at the images. Fan them out (face down) and say to yourself, “I now choose a card to represent my past.” Pick a card for position 2 and lay it face up on the table. This card indicates where you have come from. It shows the path you chose, or the level of spiritual development you recently attained.

Step 3) While holding the remaining cards say to yourself, “I choose a card that represents me in the present time.” Pick a card for position 3 and lay it face up on the table. In this image you will see a reflection of your current state of spiritual progress.

Step 4) With the remaining cards in hand, say to yourself, “I choose a card to activate my spiritual development.” Pick a card and lay it face up on the table in position 4.

The final ‘activation card’ in position 4 shows what you need to do in order to bring about the desired personality. Concentrating on this card will activate or energise your consciousness and direct you to your preferred outcome. The ‘activation card’ stimulates an awakening of your consciousness and aligns your spirit with your soul-purpose. Meditate upon this card to draw its energy into yourself and to enhance this process.

Tarot is often used for guidance in everyday life situations — with this spread, however, I invite you to use your cards to provide greater wisdom about your inner life and your sacred journey to spiritual wholeness.


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