Now is the time to look at Tarot from a fresh angle. Now is the time to acknowledge that Tarot is a practical tool devoid of eeriness and mystery. It’s a form of divination for gaining more of an understanding about yourself through natural, intuitive methods. In our modern world the time is right for Tarot to be used with a fresh, practical approach.
Tarot can reveal the future. It can also help you have a greater understanding of your present circumstances, and it can offer a more meaningful perspective to past events. But there is no magic or mystery inherent within Tarot cards themselves. The cards are not a divine entity telling you what you should or shouldn’t do. They are nothing more than colourful pieces of cardboard illustrated with archetypal images. The symbols, patterns, and colours act as triggers to the subconscious, which reveals information you are not consciously aware of.
After experimenting with many forms of divination, I found Tarot to be the most effective method for glimpsing the future, because you can do a reading about absolutely anything! And you can obtain accurate forecasts for any situation because you can incorporate a time-frame into your question to indicate precisely when a specific event will occur.
Why not buy or borrow a pack and try them for yourself?
Approach it in a playful, spontaneous manner, and allow your intuition to guide you.
You don’t have to memorise lots of meanings and spreads to start with, just ask a question and draw a card from the pack. You’ll be amazed at how meaningful the imagery on a card becomes when you are looking for the answer to a specific question.
Tarot cards are much more than a method of fortune telling; they can be used on so many levels. For example, they can be used during meditations as gateways to higher realms of consciousness, and as such, they are a useful starting point for the development of your intuition.
Initially you may only want to use Tarot to help you discover when your love life is going to improve, but if you are serious about your spiritual life, you will soon realise these decks can also be a valuable tool for personal growth and higher learning.