
Tarot Card Meanings


When you’ve dealt your Tarot cards for a reading, but your mind goes blank on the meaning of one of the images, what can you do? Here’s a simple way to kick-start an interpretation of any Tarot card’s meaning: think of the qualities of the suit it belongs to.

  • The suit of Cups is all about the emotions: love, relationships, and emotions.
  • The suit of Pentacles is about the material world: practicality, money, and business.
  • The suit of Swords is all about your mental expression: thoughts, worries, and attitude.
  • The suit of Wands is all about your enthusiasm: passion, energy, and drive.

Some Tarot card meanings are obvious when you take this into account: For example, in the card called the Two of Cups you see two people moving towards each other. Are they going to discuss business, have an argument, or perhaps go travelling? Because this card is from the suit of Cups you can ignore all of those options because this suit represents the emotions, so it’s most likely to be about a developing friendship, perhaps even romance.

Other cards are more difficult to interpret unless you specifically associate them with the qualities of the suit. For example, consider the card called the Seven of Cups…there are so many symbols on this card that it can be difficult for beginners to work out what the meaning should be. In this card we see the main character standing in the darkness facing many temptations. Rising from the clouds of illusion is the vision of a series of cups containing a woman (lust), a snake (wisdom), the castle (security), jewels (wealth), a laurel wreath (victory), and a dragon (primordial power). The figure in the central cup is veiled, yet she radiates loving energy. She is a representation of the choice that will eventually be made by the man when he can ignore the dictates of his mind and body and follow his heart instead.

This card reflects the teachings of Aleister Crowley in his Thelemic Order of the Golden Dawn: “The student, if he attains any success in the following practices, will find himself confronted by things too glorious or too dreadful to be described. It is essential that he remain the master of all that he beholds, hears or conceives; otherwise he will be the slave of illusion, and the prey of madness.”

In one blinding moment the seeker in this card is overwhelmed by things too glorious or too dreadful to comprehend. He’s shocked and awed by the situation he faces. It’s obvious that he has been given an opportunity to bring one of these treasures into his life, but which one will he choose? Which one will have a lasting benefit? Which will bring the most happiness?

This is when knowing that the quality of the suit of Cups relates to the emotions. Keep this in mind and the Tarot card meanings become clearer as you look at the symbols in the image. As an example, the skull (etched into one of the cups) now suggests the emotional world is full of highs and lows, and situations that look ideal on the surface can turn out to be unrewarding if you are not careful. Knowing that the suit of Cups is all about feelings means you can look at this card and see that there are many distractions in life and you have to choose from the heart if you want to be rewarded with emotional satisfaction.

What about the veiled figure in the middle? This is the personification of the Holy Grail. Locating this holy vessel is synonymous with the search for higher meaning, the quest for spiritual perfection, and loving union with the Divine. It’s about the desire for having a noble purpose in life, and finding true love. In this card it shows an opportunity to discover your real nature, but you have to reject distracting influences and make your choice with feelings of devotion.

When the Seven of Cups card turns up in a reading, it’s tempting to say that it’s all about being confused because of all the choices on display, but that interpretation refers to thinking, whereas the suit of Cups is about the emotions. This card shows that despite all of the distractions people face from the mental and physical world, they eventually realise that being true to themselves is the way forward. Heeding this highest calling is that moment when they listen to their heart’s desire, accepting the peace of the Holy Grail, and allowing their inner self to open to divine guidance and wisdom.







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